
The best nurses are those who feel a calling to the field and who truly want to help, 治疗和服务他人. 在我们的护理课程中,你将探索同理心、同情心和仆人式领导的概念. 您将参与经过验证的课程,并使用最先进的实验室和模拟设施进行培训. And you’ll be prepared to deliver a higher level of patient care.





Our four-year program offers students a holistic approach to the nursing profession. You’ll begin with nursing courses in your sophomore year. And you’ll have abundant opportunities to apply what you learn in local hospitals, 诊所和社区外展项目,通过护理学院和PBA的格雷戈里医疗任务中心向世界各地的贫困社区提供服务. 一些地区医院提供实习项目,包括退伍军人事务部的暑期英勇项目, and upon the successful completion of your first semester of your junior year, you’ll qualify to work as a nurse technician at most local hospitals.


PBA的BSN护理课程准备毕业生参加全国委员会执照考试(NCLEX)。, a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States.  Passing the exam is a prerequisite to nursing licensure in the USA.


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规划你的道路. 开启推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您.



PBA以每年培养的护理毕业生的质量而闻名于整个地区. 这是我们经过验证的课程和卓越的教师的结果,他们作为学生的导师,带来了几十年的现实世界的经验. 其他特点包括:

  • 将其人化的经验-信仰和圣经原则的概念是护理学生所经历的一切的中心.
  • 全面的方法-我们坚信, 教我们的学生, 真正的健康除了身体上的健康,还包括对社会文化的理解和精神上的鼓励.
  • 先进实验室与技术-您将受益于最先进的护理实验室技术和患者模拟资源的培训, preparing you to step in and succeed on day one.
  • 个性化的学习—you will be guided by expert faculty who bring years of nursing experience at places such as Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center; Bethesda Memorial Hospital in Boynton Beach, Florida; Good Samaritan Medical Center.

了解更多 about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.


1. 新生直接录取

申请大一直接录取的高中生只需要向大学申请并注明专业为护理. 招生部将向合格的申请人发送一个网页表单的链接,其中包含所需的其他信息. Spots are limited, so early application is encouraged. 那些被录取为直接录取新生的学生,只要他们的总GPA保持在3分,就不需要再次申请高年级.0或更高.


2. 保证录取



  • Started at PBA as first semester freshmen (though you may have brought in hours)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0 +
  • 茶 Total Individual Score of 74 +
  • 应用 and meet all admission criteria 截止日期为10月1日

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.7 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 + (74+ recommended to be competitive)

*GPA is the GPA in required courses, 不 the overall GPA. 这样做的目的是鼓励学生学习困难的科学课程,而不用担心会影响他们被录取的机会.

Meeting the minimum requirements is NOT a guarantee of acceptance.

3. Competitive Application Instructions

  1. Currently enrolled lower division students will fill out a form on myPBA > 学校 > Nursing. (需要登录)
  2. Students transferring directly into the upper division (with an AA or Bachelor’s degree). 如果没有被录取,请在这里申请.

The following additional elements are required for the application.

  1. Test of Essential 学术 Skills (茶)
  2. Two recommendations are required for transfer students (academic or professional)
  3. 成绩单 (from all colleges or universities attended)
  4. 申请低年级(有时被称为“护理预科”)的学生只需申请大学即可.

Timeframe for Competitive Applications and What to Expect if you are Accepted:

  • There are two entry points for the Nursing Program, one in the Fall semester and one in the Spring Semester. 每组将录取45-50名学生,他们将在5个学期后毕业.
  • There is rolling admission for both Fall and Spring
    • 在10月1日之前提交春季入学申请是被录取的最佳时机.
    • 在5月1日之前提交秋季入学申请是被录取的最佳时机.
  • If you are accepted, you have two weeks to accept or decline
  • Students must complete background check, 指纹, 并在录取通知书上注明的日期前进行药物筛选,以确认录取.
  • 所有的录取都是临时的, 在通过前三门护理课程和完成所有其他优秀的先决条件课程后才能被完全录取.
  • 如果你是PBA的新手, then you are required to submit a Health History and Physical to Health and Wellness. 所有学生将被要求遵守我们医院合作伙伴的要求,这些要求在美国数据库合规跟踪器中提出,您将被要求注册. 这包括, 除此之外, 最新的MMR疫苗, 水痘, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, 乙型肝炎和流感(季节性)



Currently enrolled 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 students 符合以下条件的学生可以保证进入高级护理专业学习.

  • Started at PBA as first semester freshmen (though you may have brought in hours)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0+
  • 个人总分74分以上
  •  应用 and meet all above admission criteria 截止日期为10月1日 大二的时候.

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.75 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +  (74+ recommended to be competitive)

*GPA is the GPA in required courses, 不 the overall GPA. 这样做的目的是鼓励学生学习困难的科学课程,而不用担心会影响他们被录取的机会.

Meeting the minimum requirements is NOT a guarantee of acceptance.

转A.A. Degree (or prior bachelor’s degree)

  • Application to the Upper Division is available for spring and fall start.
  • 你需要拿A.A. 如果你被录取,在护理学校第一学期开始时授予学位.
  • PBA uses the 茶 exam (Version 6) as its entrance exam . The 茶 may ONLY be taken  three times, with 30 days between exams.
  • 申请高级学部意味着你已经完成或正在学习以下课程:
  • 普通心理学
  • Life Span Development (Human Growth and Development)
  • 化学原理/实验室
  • 人体解剖学 & 生理学1 /实验室
  • 人体解剖学 & 生理学II带实验室
  • 微生物学/实验室
  • 营养
  • 统计数据

*All but one of these courses must be completed by the time of program entrance. You may still be enrolled in these courses during the application process.

Transfer Nursing Students needing to complete some of the prerequisites at PBA should:

  • 应用 for admission to the University.
  • 提交成绩单
  • Make a phone appointment with an 招生 Counselor to go over a basic degree plan

护理的机会 & 结果

护理学院为我们的学生和毕业生提供了广泛的机会.  From student clubs and organizations to externships and internships, you can get involved!


该计划的毕业生准备参加国家执照考试,以获得他们的注册护士执照,并开始在各个护理领域的职业生涯. Many program alumni also pursue a graduate degree. 建国以来, PBA护理毕业生在全国执业资格考试中的平均通过率为93%, and are employed by respected healthcare organizations around the country, 其中包括:

  • 杜克医学中心
  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • Community Health Clinic of 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您
  • 亚特兰大埃默里医疗保健公司
  • 佛罗里达癌症专家
  • 佛罗里达州卫生部
  • 朱庇特医疗集团
  • 马库斯神经科学研究所
  • 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您心脏病学
  • St. 玛丽医疗中心
  • 团队健康

Application Exam Scheduling Instructions (茶)

推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您是 不 官方的tea测试站点.  实施tea测试 只有 适用于目前入学的低年级护理或已申请护理课程的转学生 .

Entrance Exam: Test of Essential 学术 Skills Version 6 (茶)


  •  exams are limited to currently enrolled PBA students and current applicants 只有.  If you are 不 currently a PBA student you may search for testing locations on ATI的网站
  • Enrolled students should go to myPBA>学校>Nursing to view the latest 茶 schedule.


  • 提前学习和准备
  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test
  • Eat breakfast or lunch the day of the test
  • 去 www.atitesting.com 创建一个学生账户. Bring your login information to the test. (If you do 不 bring the information to the test, you will have to reschedule!)
  • 通过进入myPBA/学校/护理并点击高级BSN计划申请链接申请高级部门


  • Due to COVID the test is currently being proctored remotely by a third party company. 详情请联系 Nursing@redtractorfarm.net . Please put 茶 in the subject line



“They really put us in a position to excel as nurses. It prepares you to be 不 只有 a standout nurse but also a standout person.”


What Can I do With a Nursing Degree?

  • 学术教育
  • 临床教育家
  • 飞行护士
  • 法医护士
  • 法定护士顾问
  • 护士研究员
  • 注册护士
  • 远程医疗护理
  • 旅行护士



电话: (561) 803-2100


护理,B.S.N. (R.N. B.S.N. 在线)

Your light, focused and strong, is what the world needs. 这个程序可以帮助你做更多, 准备你在护理学士学位(BSN)的更高水平上服务于世界. 在PBA,我们提供指导,重点是圣经,历史,理论和实践研究. Combined with our thriving community connections, we help you develop skills to reach your potential and become A Brighter You.

two nursing students talking while one student takes 不es in a 不ebook


我们的科学护理硕士课程将帮助您提高您的专业地位与一个受人尊敬的学术证书,这将使您成为一个领导者,无论你的工作生活需要你. 专注于圣经, 历史, theoretical and practical studies and providing you with much sought-after skills.

a nursing student listening to the heartbeat of a不her student through a stethoscope

护理,B.S.N. (上层轨道)

The best nurses are those who feel a calling to the field and who truly want to help, 治疗和服务他人. 在我们的护理课程中,你将探索同理心、同情心和仆人式领导的概念. 你将学习经过验证的课程,并使用最先进的模拟设备进行培训. And you’ll be prepared to deliver a higher level of patient care.